PAC Machinery25 Tiburon St.San Rafael, California 94901United States iconYouTube iconTwitter X icon Facebook iconInstagram iconPhone:1(234) 222-1000Toll Free:1(800) 985-9570Fax:1(415) 454-6853From PAC MachineryCompact Automatic Bagger for Paper & Poly MailersPAC Machinery Brings Variety of Packaging Solutions to Inaugural PACK EXPO SoutheastAutomatic Bagger Easily Switches from Poly to PaperPAC Machinery Introduces Reusable Poly Mailers for Eco-Friendly Returns at PACK EXPO 2024PAC Machinery to Display its Sustainable Fulfillment Paper Automatic Bagger at PACK EXPOMotorized, Height-Adjustable Stand for Tabletop BaggersNew President at PAC MachineryContinuous Box Motion Side SealerPAC Machinery Will Exhibit Three Packaging Machines at PACK EXPO EastCombination Shrink Wrap SystemInverted Flow WrapperE-commerce Baggers Run Both Poly and PaperPage 1 of 1