New Cable E-Stop With Reconfigurable Conveyors

DynaCon parts conveyors give manufacturers more options with new cable e-stop accessory.

Dynamic Conveyor Corporation
Dynamic Conveyor Corporation

Dynamic Conveyor Corporation now offers a cable style e-stop accessory option to accompany its DynaCon parts conveyors.


The new cable style e-stop, and the traditional mushroom button e-stop, provide the ability to quickly stop the conveyor from running in an emergency situation. The cable style e-stop offers optimal protection along the entire length of the conveyor, a cording to the company. In the case of an emergency, an operator can push or pull anywhere along the length of the cable to stop the conveyor from running.  The cable can be run on one or both sides of the conveyor. The e-stop cable can be installed on DynaCon conveyors including Z conveyors, flat conveyors and angle conveyors.