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Skills gap grows as demand soars

Manufacturers are increasingly feeling the pinch from the workforce skills gap, and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.

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Manufacturers are increasingly feeling the pinch from the workforce skills gap, and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. During a three-day PMMI mechatronics workshop I recently attended, machine builders, packagers, and educators reported seeing increasing demand for skilled workers. A Feb. 26 Wall St. Journal article also reported on the early rise in durable goods orders, industrial production, and capital investment. Many factors remain barriers to attracting, training, and retaining capable people for these high paying manufacturing jobs. Among those that appear to have the greatest impact:

1) Middle and high school students and their parents have little, if any, exposure to today’s high technology manufacturing because manufacturers no longer offer plant tours, trade shows are off-limits, and career educators have no exposure from which they can offer credible counseling.

2) Skilled veterans do not have access to counseling to help them translate between the vocabularies and standards of manufacturing and the military. While underlying technologies are not that different, what looks like a capacitor on a drawing to a military technician looks like a relay to industrial technician; and components and processes are called by different names.