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Revolutionize Your Trade Show Strategy

Master the unique sales experience mindset for skyrocketing sales results.

Matthew Neuberger, founder of Neuberger & Company, specializes in growth effectiveness. He is also the architect of the PMMI Certified Technical Sales Professional Program, a recognized standard for technical sales training in the packaging industry.
Matthew Neuberger, founder of Neuberger & Company, specializes in growth effectiveness. He is also the architect of the PMMI Certified Technical Sales Professional Program, a recognized standard for technical sales training in the packaging industry.

Hey there, my fellow marketers and salespeople in the OEM PMMI packaging machinery industry!  Let's talk about the PACK EXPO show and how you can make this the best year yet.

Trade shows, to me, illustrate the importance of leadership, preparation, and decision-making in achieving success. They also highlight the consequences of poor planning and decision-making.  When done correctly, planning simplifies your route to success. When done incorrectly, the message to your ideal clients becomes complicated, and they seek out other options.

Regarding trade show success, it’s no surprise that we must set clear goals and develop a plan for achieving them. This means identifying our target audience, researching their pain points and needs, and developing a strategy for how we will approach them.  While these methods are tried and true, it’s time to revolutionize the approach.

Let’s start with your unique sales experience (USX). Many might think that’s their elevator pitch. Nope!  A USX is a mindset about the unique sales experience you want to provide. You only have a short amount of time to create an experience, whether it’s a call to a prospect prior to the show to set an appointment or interacting with a prospect at the show. A powerful USX is designed to do just that. Think about the value you create, the technology you’ll use, the questions you’ll ask, and each touchpoint—pre, during, and post show—then craft your approach for each.  Some salespeople fail to plan and find themselves unprepared and inadvertently complicate the sales process.  You want to be a sales simplifier at every interaction that stands out.

Your USX = Value Creation + Tech Amplification + PMMI Selling Tools
