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Research-Driven Marketing: Unlocking Success in 3 Key Areas

Discover what three key research areas can strategically support your marketing efforts.

Unlocking Success

Are you harnessing the full power of research to fuel your marketing strategy and drive your company's growth? In this article, we'll delve into three key research areas - market trends, benchmarking, and customer feedback - and show you how to gather the right information and apply it strategically to support your marketing efforts.

Market Trends

Marketing research that identifies industry trends and market growth can help you plan where to invest your sales, marketing, and product development dollars. Most companies will utilize secondary research methods, in other words, existing data collected by others.

Market trend data may be freely accessible, or it may require a subscription or fee to access. Typically, the more specific the data is to a market or industry, the more likely it is there will be an associated cost. 

Within packaging and processing, PMMI Business Intelligence reports are an excellent source of industry insights. All reports are free to access by any employee of PMMI member companies. These reports cover a wide range of topics, including trends in remote services & monitoring, analysis of the Mexico market, and the dairy industry. By leveraging the information in these reports and other industry resources, you can make informed decisions about entering new markets, setting growth goals, and targeting new customer segments.


Benchmarking reports are a valuable tool for assessing your performance and identifying areas for improvement within your industry or a broader group. One way to start is by measuring your performance across different marketing channels. While it can be challenging to understand metrics without context, benchmark reports can provide insight into industry standards and help you gauge the effectiveness of your efforts.