AI Can Shape the Future of Packaging and Processing Work

How AI will shape the future of work in manufacturing, particularly packaging and processing.

Isa Automation Image

Advances in automation technology are transforming the industrial landscape. Whether talking about artificial intelligence (AI), digital twins, or robotics, automation brings physical and cyber systems together for greater performance, efficiency, sustainability, and safety.

I have noticed a worrisome trend, though, and I am sure you have, too. Increasingly, the media describes how AI is coming for manufacturing jobs. With each new innovation in society, we see corresponding headlines and public concern about how that innovation will negatively impact the workforce. This has been true of the printing press, the automobile, and the computer.

As some believe, automation does not have to eliminate jobs; rather, it repurposes existing jobs and creates new ones. Jobs of the future will not always look like jobs of the past.

When it comes to separating fact from fiction about automation and the workforce, I want you to remember one key point.   

Automation depends on people to make the world a better place. 

Automation is not just about robots, ChatGPT, and other AI tools. It’s not even solely about control systems, really. People keep this automated and interconnected world humming together in harmony.

From a people-centered view, industrial and manufacturing work has historically been risky, with little opportunity for advancement or growth. In the best-case scenario, it has been monotonous, and in the worst case, it has been actively dangerous. Moving toward automation does not rule people out; it just takes them out of harm’s way.