The New AI-Connected Manufacturing Worker

How Gen AI is increasing productivity and making manufacturing work 'cool' for Gen Z

The new AI-connected worker is overcoming problems caused by skilled worker shortages and making manufacturing work appealing for Gen Z.
The new AI-connected worker is overcoming problems caused by skilled worker shortages and making manufacturing work appealing for Gen Z.
Andriy Onufriyenko via Getty Images

Hardly a day goes by without hearing about a new AI capability. But it was the arrival of Generative AI (Gen AI), found in tools such as ChatGPT, when the actual potential benefits of AI started to go mainstream, bringing benefits for businesses and technology companies alike. While some pundits had Gen AI touching every facet of working practices, we now see some clearly defined and valuable use cases coming to the fore where Gen AI can be seen as a significant productivity tool, and nowhere more than for workers on the shop floor.

The new AI-connected worker is overcoming problems caused by skilled worker shortages and making manufacturing work appealing for Gen Z.

The value of AI in retaining an empowered workforce

Faced with a shortage of skilled workers, attracting Gen Z employees to the shop floor, traditionally regarded as dull, dirty, or dangerous (the three Ds of manufacturing), has proven to be an ongoing challenge. Then came Gen AI, with new technologies like AV and VR that have transformed the conventional shop floor into a productive – and cool – environment work.

Manufacturers need to work to the highest standards. That means training, and reskilling frontline workers with different levels of knowledge, competence, and language issues—all while keeping practices health and safety compliant for the new tech-enabled manufacturing era. Enter Gen AI and the new generation of connected worker platforms, where content creation and delivery are in their DNA.

Bringing new technologies, such as connected worker platforms and Gen AI, to the shop floor transforms the dark and dirty shop floor into a more engaging workplace. However, as more manufacturers aim to recruit Gen Z workers, ensuring all instructions are available on digital platforms is essential. Younger workers are tuned in to search for answers and instructions digitally, so making content available digitally is critical to retain these workers and empower them to take ownership of their role, which is a growing necessity for the younger workforce.

AI is empowering workers to work smarter, not harder