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Sales Focus: Selling on the Phone in the “New Normal”

The ability to sell in a virtual situation vs. in person requires a different skill set for engaging the prospect.

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“I am a face-to-face type of salesperson.”

“I don’t do well on the phone vs. physically meeting with people.”

“I like to press the flesh and sell in-person.” 

Does this sound familiar?

These are common responses to management when salespeople are asked why they fail to leverage the phone for selling. As a response to virtual selling during the pandemic, webinars and articles abound presenting tips and tricks for even the most seasoned salespeople on how to sell in the virtual world. “Be energetic; ask how they are impacted by COVID-19; use video when engaging and clean up before getting on the call.” This is all great advice, but are we ignoring a deeper issue? Jay Spielvogel, CEO of Venator Sales GroupJay Spielvogel, CEO of Venator Sales Group

Selling over the phone requires a comfort level with asking questions, listening actively, and most of all, engaging in honest dialogue. Compare this to the face-to-face meeting where the salesperson is a guest walking around the operational facility, asking technical questions, gathering information, and presenting. There is a safety net provided by the walk-in visit that disappears when a salesperson is forced to fully engage on the phone without all the props and distractions.

In spite of an incredible amount of investment in sales training, most salespeople are still defaulting to their old habits where they schedule a site visit to collect technical needs, bring their subject matter experts in to educate on solutions and present proposals. This common sales approach lacks any qualification steps including drilling down into the business drivers, inquiring about and getting access to key stakeholders, clarifying budget allocation process, and remediating roadblocks.