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Live at the ELC: OEMs Can Monetize Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance is an emerging technology for packaging and processing equipment that has the potential to disrupt the OEM business model.

Blake Griffin, senior analyst, Interact Analysis presenting on predictive maintenance strategies at PMMI's Executive Leadership Conference.
Blake Griffin, senior analyst, Interact Analysis presenting on predictive maintenance strategies at PMMI's Executive Leadership Conference.

Although the ability to perform predictive maintenance analysis may not be everywhere today, packaging and processing equipment will standardize it in the future.

“If an OEM opts not to provide predictive maintenance, they risk obsolescence in the long term,” said Blake Griffin, senior analyst at Interact Analysis. “[Predictive Maintenance] is a trend that is unstoppable.”

Griffin presented the findings of a new PMMI white paper, “Packaging and Predictive Maintenance,” during the virtual Executive Leadership Conference today, April 19, 2021. Interact Analysis defines predictive maintenance in the following way. Monitoring a machine or a component on a machine to determine when it is likely to fail and take action to stop it. The goal is to avoid downtime.

“It is a technology built around data architectures and networking. But the definition we gave it [includes the] use of technology to gather data on assets, like temperature or vibration levels. And perform an analysis on that data to predict when the asset needs to be repaired to eliminate the risk of failure,” Griffin said. “It’s about the bottom line from the user perspective. If you can improve equipment effectiveness, you can improve profitability as a company. It’s about risk avoidance and optimization, those are the two key value propositions for predictive maintenance.”

Read article   Download and read the PMMI report, "Packaging and Predictive Maintenance." 

Predictive Maintenance Analysis Boosts Customer Satisfaction