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Allison Wagner Emphasizes the Importance of Communications in Manufacturing

As the business development manager at Morrison Container Handling Solutions, Wagner leverages her journalism and integrated marketing degrees to elevate the brand.

Allison Wagner, business development manager, Morrison Container Handling Solutions
Allison Wagner, business development manager, Morrison Container Handling Solutions

PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, recently announced its fifth annual On the Rise Awards winners. Developed by PMMI’s Emerging Leaders Committee, the awards recognize 10 young professionals who have demonstrated leadership potential in packaging and processing. Allison Wagner, business strategy manager at Morrison Container Handling Solutions, is one of the 2022 winners. Wagner grew her communications manager role into a full-fledged marketing department in just six months, and, by aligning with sales, helped Morrison achieve over 20% year-over-year growth for three consecutive years. She recently spoke with OEM magazine about her current role and career objectives.


Can you provide a brief description of what Morrison Container Handling Solutions does?

Wagner: Morrison Container Handling Solutions designs and manufactures container handling automation equipment for the packaging industry. Rooted in timing screw technology, our product lines manipulate container orientation and positioning for virtually every packaging application to increase throughput and efficiency of other packaging processes and equipment.

What is your role and responsibilities at the company?

Wagner: My role oversees three critical areas of the business: marketing, business development, and business strategy. Within the business strategy side, I’m helping to shape where our company is going to go over the next year and decade, and what it will take to get there. From there, I’m helping lead strategic initiatives across multiple departments that will allow us to achieve our growth goals. This then rolls down into business development, where I work with teams to drive new market development and product development [for] new products and current ones. This arm really helps roll into how we achieve the strategy we’ve set forward and what new opportunities we will need to capitalize on. Finally, I take all of this knowledge of our goals and drill it down into our marketing strategy, then help the department implement this to continue to grow. It’s a very exciting, all-encompassing role that allows me to extend my marketing knacks into operations and engineering while driving overall strategy for the organization. I spend much of my time speaking to our leadership team, taking their wants, wishes, and needs, and finding ways to help coordinate and make it work for the business. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had in my career, and I’m energized with new puzzles to solve every single day.

During your three years at the company, have you had the opportunity to learn different sides of the business?

Wagner: I’ve had the pleasure of learning about the operations of nearly every department at Morrison and assist within them in some shape or form. This has drastically changed my approach to not only my role, but doing business, because I’m able to understand how every decision has a larger impact on the company and other peoples’ roles within it.

For marketing, specifically, I think it is vital in this industry for marketers to learn different areas of the business. This is where we not only become experts in the products we help sell, but it also provides for a treasure trove of potential content we can share with our prospects and customers to make them brand loyal. It helps us tell stories and embed ourselves into the larger picture of how the business operates. This then has helped me move into a bigger picture role that plays within multiple departments, and has given me an opportunity to grow my skillsets outside of the marketing world and bring more value to my team.

Videos from Morrison Container Handling Solutions